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Begin by selecting the product you want from our catalog or manually create your order. Review the order details including the product, its price, and the estimated waiting time.
After placing your order, Tvelp will present you with a list of verified travelers who are planning trips from the location of your desired product to your destination. You can evaluate these travelers based on their ratings, travel plans, and any additional information they've provided.
Use Tvelp's negotiation system to communicate with the chosen traveler. Discuss the terms of the delivery, clarify any questions you may have, and ensure both parties are on the same page. Once you're satisfied with the arrangement, confirm the deal with the traveler.
Tvelp offers a secure payment system that allows you to transfer the total amount to an escrow account. This step ensures that your funds are held securely until the traveler successfully delivers your product. You also have the flexibility to cancel your order and request a full refund if needed.
Stay informed about the traveler's journey and delivery progress through the Tvelp platform. As the traveller approaches your location, they will coordinate the delivery of your product. Upon receiving the item and confirming its condition, you can release the funds from the escrow account to the traveler.
After a successful delivery, take a moment to provide feedback on the traveler's performance and the overall shopping experience. Your input helps foster a trustworthy community and assists other shoppers in making informed decisions.
Begin by selecting the product you want from our catalog or manually create your order. Review the order details including the product, its price, and the estimated waiting time.
After placing your order, Tvelp will present you with a list of verified travelers who are planning trips from the location of your desired product to your destination. You can evaluate these travelers based on their ratings, travel plans, and any additional information they've provided.
Use Tvelp's negotiation system to communicate with the chosen traveler. Discuss the terms of the delivery, clarify any questions you may have, and ensure both parties are on the same page. Once you're satisfied with the arrangement, confirm the deal with the traveler.
Tvelp offers a secure payment system that allows you to transfer the total amount to an escrow account. This step ensures that your funds are held securely until the traveler successfully delivers your product. You also have the flexibility to cancel your order and request a full refund if needed.
Stay informed about the traveler's journey and delivery progress through the Tvelp platform. As the traveller approaches your location, they will coordinate the delivery of your product. Upon receiving the item and confirming its condition, you can release the funds from the escrow account to the traveler.
After a successful delivery, take a moment to provide feedback on the traveler's performance and the overall shopping experience. Your input helps foster a trustworthy community and assists other shoppers in making informed decisions.
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Frequently asked questions
Unlock answers to all your order-related questions.
In what ways does the platform assist shoppers?
What happens if a traveler cancels a shopper's order on Tvelp?
What should the Shopper do if the Traveler doesn't show up or refuses to deliver the ordered item?